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AeroWeb Aviation Management Software is a comprehensive software system designed to provide the charter airline flight department with an integrated system of flight operation modules. Including a computerized operations board for flight following and crew board for crew scheduling and tracking. Additional modules include charter quotations, passenger management and systems databases.  


Flight Following and Tracking

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AeroWeb features an electronic "Ops Board" for real-time flight following and tracking. The Operations Board handles all of your day to day flight scheduling and tracking activities. 

Flight Scheduling

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AeroWeb features a scheduling module to build and apply your regular scheduled flights.

Crew Scheduling

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Scheduling your flight crews is one of the most complex duties in any airline. Accounting for company and regulatory requirements can be one of the most taxing and time consuming issues for your operations staff. This is where AeroWeb excels, and it can be summed up in one word, "flexibility". 

AeroWeb's graphic crew board provides a user friendly tool for the assignment, movement and tracking of your crewmembers throughout your operation. The system features the option to run compliance checks on both FAR or CAR regulations and keeps a running accumulation of your crewmembers flight and duty time.


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AeroWeb's quote module is an accurate and consistent method of quoting your charter flights. Completed quotations can be sent to the operations board for flight following and crew scheduling.  

Passenger Management and Booking

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AeroWeb's passenger management module maintains information on  your passengers for flight bookings, tracking and reporting. The passenger booking modules provide a method of locating, booking and removing passengers from flights.


Reports and Summaries

The key to efficiently managing your operation is having your information available on demand.  AeroWeb and AeroTrack feature aircraft and crew reports in various formats for the activity of a specific aircraft or crewmember and date range. Reports include flight logs, MELs, aircraft hours, crew logs, crew plan, crew duty summaries, crew item warnings, trip itineraries, training reports, regulatory reports and charter quotations.  


Technical Requirements

  • PC Pentium 300MHz or faster.

  • Microsoft Windows® 95/98, NT, 2000, ME, XP, Vista (English Language settings)

  • 800 x 600 Resolution.

  • 128Mb RAM.

  •  60Mb Free disk space for install.

  •  (AeroWeb Only) Client Server Applications -  NT, 2000, 2003 Server. Client / Server requirements and security will vary, Aero Tec will consult on your particular network setup.

Contact us for a video demonstration of AeroWeb

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Aero Tec Software 2010