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AeroTrip is an integrated software system to streamline your flight department and help your aviation professionals make the decisions to keep your business running safely and smoothly. AeroTrip features the following functions for your on-demand charter flight department. 

Trip Module

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The Trip module is series of forms that help you build your trips, from the selection of a customer to charter quoting, crewmember assignment, passenger manifest, FBO selection and invoicing. Intuitive forms insure that you don't miss those important details.

Crew Regulation Checks

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Regulation scheduling in AeroTrip has the flexibility to design your own flight, duty, on call and time off violation checks.  You can create as many regulation schedules as are required, from the regulations as provided by your regulatory body to your own company checks.  AeroTrip solves the problem of having crewmembers that often work under various regulation schemes.

Charter Quotations

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User defined rate schedules make AeroTrip a powerful quoting tool. You can build as many quote templates as are required. These templates insure that all of the quoted items that are applied to a quote are actually on the quote.  This will help insure that every department is using the same procedure and provides a high level of consistency.

Passenger Management

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AeroTrip lets you to store passenger information and preferences. Passenger bookings are easily made with passengers associated by company and are available for trip reports and manifests.


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AeroTrip has a database to store your own preferred handlers or FBO's.  As a trip is being built you can select from a list of your preferred handlers for your crews trip report.


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The invoice form allows you to build the invoice from scratch, or pull the information from the charter quote and add, edit and delete as required. A printed invoice can be produced from the form.

Trip Browser

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The Trip Browser helps you coordinate your day to day activities and provides  an overview of your trips based on customers, aircraft types or crew groups.  A graphical interface lets you see how your trips are assigned and also provides green status indicators to let you know if items on the trip have been completed.

Crew Planner

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Crewmembers duty, on call and off duty time is scheduled and displayed using color coded strips. Template tools let you design monthly crew blocks and apply them to one or several crewmembers in a single step. AeroTrip automatically checks the assigned crew regulations and clearly highlights those blocks where violations are identified.

Crew Training

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AeroTrip features a crewmember training module to plan and track your crew course requirements. The training module provides helpful tools to enter your crew training requirements in addition to up to date crew currency warnings when scheduling trips as well as audit reports.


Limited staff coverage is an economic reality for most operations. AeroTrip provides you with the flexibility, security and confidence to plan trips and access information from almost anywhere. A PC with an internet connection is all that is required for quotes and trip planning away from the office. Imagine the time saved from the reduction in phone calls from your crewmembers when they have the convenience of accessing their schedules day or night.

Reports and Summaries

AeroTrip features reports throughout the system including, charter quotes, trip report, US Customs 178 and general declaration 7507, crew duty and flight time by regulation and training summary.  We can also custom develop a report to meet your needs.

Technical Requirements

  • PC Pentium 300MHz or faster.

  • Microsoft Windows® 95/98, NT, 2000, ME, XP,Vista. (English Language settings)

  • 1024x768 Resolution.

  • 128Mb RAM.

  • 60Mb Free disk space for install.

  • Client Server Applications -  NT, 2000, 2003 Server. Client / Server requirements and security will vary.

Contact us for a video demonstration of AeroTrip

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Aero Tec Software 2010